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Rafale French jet fighter

Fleuron de la technologie aéronautique française, le Rafale est le premier avion de combat polyvalent puisqu’il réunit plusieurs types d’appareils en un ...

2008-09-15 04:05 767 Dailymotion

About rafale fighter jet

About rafale fighter jet...

2019-10-10 05:48 1 Dailymotion

Fighter Jet | Fighter | Jet Fighter | Rafale Fighter Jets | F35 Fighter Jet | Fighter Plane | Creator Gulzar

About This Video:-Fighter Jet | Fighter | Jet Fighter | Rafale Fighter Jets | F35 Fighter Jet | Fighter Plane | Creator GulzarFollow Me:-Website https://creator...

2021-06-17 01:11 8 Dailymotion

Dassault Rafale Fighter Jet

The Dassault Rafale is a French twin-engine, canard delta wing, multirole fighter aircraft designed and built by Dassault Aviation. Equipped with a wide range o...

2019-10-20 03:14 31 Dailymotion

India to buy 36 Rafale fighter jets

India to buy 36 Rafale fighter jets off-the-shelf from French manufacturer Dassault Aviation....

2018-02-16 03:06 2 Dailymotion

Jets and Fighters Flying Sequences Breitling Sion Airshow 2011

I enjoyed a sunday at home to work a few hours on Final Cut Pro and edit a new video with "Flying Sequences" of the jets and fighters displays at the Sion Airsh...

2011-10-16 02:58 0 Vimeo

Mikoyan MiG-35 @ MAKS July 23, 2021

MiG-35 Fulcrum-F Multirole Fighter The Mikoyan MiG-35 is a Russian multirole fighter that is designed by Mikoyan, a division of the United Aircraft Corporation...

2021-08-08 08:44 0 Vimeo