
Hosto Shilpo Mela 2021-22 Kolkata II পশ্চিমবঙ্গ রাজ্য হস্ত শিল্প মেলা ২০২১-২২ II হস্ত শিল্প মেলা II State Handirafts Fair Echo Park Kolkata,West Bengal India II Qss Digital Movies Ii

2021-12-01 16 Dailymotion

হস্তশিল্প মেলা২০২১-২২ II WEST BENGAL STATE HANDICRAFTS FAIR 2021-22 II Hosto Shillpo Mela Echo Park Kolkata, WEST BENGAL INDIA II QSS DIGITAL MOVIES II

WEST BENGAL STATE HANDICRAFTS FAIR 2021-22 Is being held opposite Eco Park Gate No-1 Major Arterial Road(South-East), Biswa Bangla Sarani Action Area II, New Town, Kolkata, West Bengal,India From 27th November to 20th December 2021...
Organized by the department of Micro and Small Scale Enterprises and Textiles Department, Government of West Bengal popularly known as "পশ্চিমবঙ্গ রাজ্য হস্ত শিল্প মেলা"Paschimbaga Hastashilpa Mela The fair features the best of handicrafts and brings to the front craftsmen from all over the state... Products made of wood, cane, bamboo, jute, leather and terracotta,house decorating items made from glass,marble dust ,different mask from Purulia ,handloom dress materials ,food products etc are available.

Video link : https://dai.ly/k7suIKLhmjFQTFxpUxU

Music in this video : YouTube music library

#হস্তশিল্পমেলা#পশ্চিমবঙ্গরাজ্যহস্তশিল্পমেলা#EchoPark #WestBengalStateHandicraftsFair #hostoshilpomelakolkata #PaschimbangaHastashilpaMela#NewTown#BiswaBangla#হস্তশিল্প #BiswaBangla #banglarhostoshilpo#IncredibleIndia#QssDigitalMovies