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KRISHNANAGAR CLAY DOLLS II Krishnanagar "matir putul" ll WEST BENGAL STATE HANDICRAFTS FARE 2021 ll ECHO PARK NEWTOWN KOLKATA WEST BENGAL INDIA II কৃষ্ণনগরের বিখ্যাত মাটির পুতুল(ঘূর্ণি ) II পশ্চিম বঙ্গ হস্ত শিল্প মেলা, 2021 II ইকোপার্ক, রাজারহাট II

2021-02-13 53 Dailymotion

Clay doll making industry of Krishanagar has a rich history and heritage. During the late 18th Century, the making of conventional clay dolls, clad in the provincial attire, gained momentum by the patronage of Maharaja Krishnachandra. Krishnanagar clay - dolls are unique in their reality and the quality of their fabrication. The handicraft creations of these artists are exhibited in most of the museums of the world. Exhibitions of Krishnagar dolls have been held in London, Paris and Boston....
The Jalangi River, local ponds, wells, tube wells etc. act as important water resource while the raw material alluvial soil is available from the riverside. But in spite of so many advantages the scenario is becoming disheartening for so many reasons.The flourishing market abroad of fiberglass models, have forced some artisans to change the base material of their products...
Krishnanagar clay dolls are unique in their realism and the quality of their finish, ‘...they truly represent a breakaway from the traditional form. Fruits, fish, insects, animals, birds, and of course the entire pantheon of gods and goddesses, and even the ubiquitous Donald Duck and other popular comic strip characters, faithful copies of real-life, down to the minutest detail. Realistic recreations of everyday life, work, mood and character- farmers, weavers, rag pickers, basket makers, umbrella makers - are yet other specialties of Krishnanagar dolls....
Exhibitions of Krishnagar dolls have been held in London, Paris and Boston. Ghurni clay models have won medals and certificates at international exhibitions....
. Ghurni (Ward no-2) is a very important center for the production of clay dolls and idols which are popularly known as Krishnagar clay dolls {krishnanagar "matir putul" }
Video link : https://dai.ly/k3vkwvVPACiSwWwEJ5X
