
Smiley Daisy FAQ #12: How do you clean the diffuser?

2014-07-22 1 Dailymotion


Daisy model diffuser: http://www.amazon.com/Smiley-Daisy-Essential-Oil-Diffuser/dp/B00GOJDD14

Pyramid model diffuser : http://www.amazon.com/Smiley-Daisy-Essential-Oil-Diffuser/dp/B00IK86RJ2

After using 5-6 times, or 3-4 days, please clean the product as follows:
- Unplug the unit from electric outlet and remove the outer cover.
- Pour out any remaining water from the "DRAIN SIDE" of the tank. Unplug power cord from base of unit.
- Put one tablespoon of citric acid (sour salt) or apple cider vinegar in the water tank, and then add just under 80ml of warm water (up to 150 degrees Farenheit). Leave for 5 minutes, then take a Q-tip/ cotton bud to scrub the center and corners of the Ultrasonic Vibration plate. Then drain cleaning solution from DRAIN SIDE of tank.
- Wipe with a paper towel or soft cloth.