
Smiley Daisy FAQ #11: Can you use citrus essential oil in this diffuser?

2014-07-21 27 Dailymotion


Daisy model diffuser: http://www.amazon.com/Smiley-Daisy-Essential-Oil-Diffuser/dp/B00GOJDD14

Pyramid model diffuser : http://www.amazon.com/Smiley-Daisy-Essential-Oil-Diffuser/dp/B00IK86RJ2

Can you use citrus essential oil in this diffuser?

The upper part of the diffuser is made of PP (polypropylene), which is used as container material for yogurt/sour cream tubs, ketchup bottles, medicine bottles.
According to researches, it is more stable and less prone to leaking when used properly.
Especially when we are using Citrus essential oil, we would make sure to use room temperature water (NOT hot water) in the diffuser water tank.