
HBO and Amazon: "In A Relationship" - CineFix Now

2014-08-01 19 Dailymotion

HBO and Amazon have signed a deal in what we hope is the first step being able to watch Game of Thrones without having to sign up for cable. Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

At the moment, the deal only covers older HBO programming, like The Sopranos and The Wire, and "selected seasons" of newer shows. It does not cover the flagship shows Game of Thrones and True Detective, so you'll just have to keep getting those through other means. Sorry.

Read more here: http://goo.gl/DX9jTB

What do you think of this development? Any predictions for what this means for the cable vs. streaming video content in the future? Are we moving toward a choose-your-channels model of TV, or is that a pipe dream? How big a deal the exclusion of newer shows for you? Where do you think Netflix, Showtime, and Starz will go from here?

Let us know in the comments below!

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