
Best of 2014 #8 (According to Truly)!! - CineFix Now

2014-12-31 41 Dailymotion

On this final day of 2014, we conclude our series of videos where the CineFix team tells your their favorite movies of 2014, of the blockbuster and independent varieties. Truly, take us home!

Truly wraps up the series by sharing his favorite wide release movie, and his favorite little-known flick of the year.

Ti’s favorite big-budget film was Wes Anderson’s return to form in the GrandBudapest Hotel:
Watch the trailer: http://youtu.be/_dol6pbOc2Q

And truly’s favorite indie movie of 2014 was Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa starring Steve Coogan.
Trailer here: http://youtu.be/F6YPf7bTHO8

What do you think of Truly’s picks? What did you think of the picks from the rest of the team (If you missed any, you can see our full “2014 IN REVIEW” list here): http://goo.gl/EXjlPk

Have you seen The Grand Budapest Hotel, or Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa? Do you agree with Truly’s choice of best movies of the year? Did the team miss your favorite movie (Interstellar?), or did one of our choices actually make it onto your “Worst of 2014” list?

Let us know in the comments below!

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