Learn how to add someone to your Google Analytics account.
Read more about this on our guide here: http://madewithrealjuice.com/blog/seo/how-to-add-a-user-to-google-analytics-video
Video transcription:
"Hey, I'm Julian from Made With Real Juice and in this video I'm going to show you how to add another profile to your Google Analytics account.
To start we're 1st going to log in to our account page.
From here you'll want to go in the upper right corner and click Admin.
Now you're on the Account Administration page where you'll want to locate the website were you're adding the user. If you have over 10 websites you'll need to go to the lower right corner and add more rows.
Now you're on the Administration page for the website. From here you'll to click on Users. Where you can see I have myself and Kevin already listed as users. Then you'll want to click + New User.
For this example I created a demonstration email that we can add. You want to select the role the user will be, for this example let's choose Administration. Then we can click notify this user by email.
From there this brings us back to the account page where we can see that this email was added.
In this window you can see (for the example email I just set up) that Made With Real Juice was just added to the account list."