
Breakdancing to classical music - 2010

2013-05-02 150 Dailymotion

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Composer: Stephen Anderson.
You can download this song(full version) for .99 cents off of itunes, here's the link http://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/ste...

You can contact Stephen at his website below.

Film made by Devin Graham.

Dancers are from Ensoul Collaboration. They are also a clothing company as well, check them out in the link below.


The dancers consist of Tyson Smalls, Robot Reeve, Nick Pitts,Josh Unice & Murphy Yang.

Editor: Kaitlin Snow

This was all shot on a Canon 7D for the slomo, and a Canon 5D for the normal speed stuff. I used a 16-35mm Canon f/2.8 L series lens, with an ISO between 640-1000.

I used a I used a glidecam 4000 HD for all the smooth shots. You can check out the exact model on there official website here where you can also buy them.


For BUSINESS ENQUIRERS ONLY, you can contact me at this email.

[email protected]

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