
The Quiet Achiever - Conor Macfarlane - MTB - 2013

2013-04-26 394 Dailymotion

'The Quiet Achiever' is a multimedia project created by Tim Pierce featuring New Zealand freeride mountainbiker Conor Macfarlane. The project crosses visual mediums from a feature print article in Spoke Magazine, to the digital screen with this short film. Shot on the SonyFS700 & Canon5DMKII.

Read about 'The Quiet Achiever', Conor Macfarlane in Spoke Magazine by purchasing your copy at spokemagazine.com

Supported by:
Formula, SDG, WideOpen, Spoke, Marzzochi, Blackmarket, Gravity & Atomblab

Director/DOP/Photographer/Editor - Tim Pierce - timpierceblog.com
Sound/Colourist - Rene Eckert - blickinsfreie.de/
Title Design - Johnny McCormack - johnnymccormack.net/
Soundtrack: Artist: Civilian Sol - Track: Truth in Meiyo facebook.com/civilian.sol?ref=ts&fref=ts

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