
Bill Gates rubber contest to harden safe sex awareness

2013-03-29 107 Dailymotion

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has announced a rubber contest to help promote safe sex awareness.

Bill Gates plans to give $100,000 to anyone who can come up with a testable hypothesis. The foundation's new plan hopes to develop a next-generation condom that greatly enhances pleasure so that more people will use them and use them more regularly. The interested are invited to use different materials, redesign the overall look, or any other method that will increase condom use.

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Experts argue that many people don't know how to use a condom because it isn't intuitive. Is it really THAT confusing? Surely the brainiacs at Microsoft can think of infinite ways to make the condom more user friendly. But we shouldn't forget our friends over at Apple, who are probably also thinking of their own unique ways to insert themselves into our sex lives.

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