The meteor that crashed in Russia couldn't be detected due to Sun's glare.
The largest meteor impact since 1908 touched down in Russia on February 15th 2013.
The meteor exploded in the atmosphere before making impact, destroying various properties worth an estimated 33 million dollars, and injuring around 12 hundred people.
The meteor was an estimated 55 feet wide and weighed around 10 thousand tons before it exploded.
After analyzing videos of the meteor explosion taken by dashboard and traffic cameras, along with data from space sensors that belong to the federal government, NASA mapped out an orbital track for the meteor, saying that it had previously passed through Earth’s orbit, but was undetected by ground based telescopes because it was visibly blocked by glare from the sun.
NASA also reported that based on data from infrasound sensors all over the planet the meteor explosion was about 30 times stronger than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan during World War II.
The city of Chelyabinsk is now trying to figure out how to capitalize on the incident and translate it into tourist dollars.
While officials are debating various ideas from holding a music and fireworks festival commemorating the anniversary of the explosion, to a “Meteor Disneyland”, one local travel agency is already booking summer tours for groups of Japanese travelers.