
Workers Paint Handicapped Sign and Tow Parked Car

2013-02-19 117 Dailymotion

City workers paint a handicapped space and then tow, the car that was parked there.

You think you're thorough about checking the signs before you park?

In a bizarre story, closed circuit footage helped one woman prove her innocence in a parking incident. The female, living in Tel Aviv had parked her car in a legal spot near her residence.

She walked out of her home to find that her vehicle had vanished. In its place was a freshly painted, empty handicapped spot.

She was fined $365. Confused, she obtained security footage from a nearby establishment.

She was shocked to see that city workers had painted the handicapped spot around her vehicle. Parking inspectors then had the car towed away.

The woman posted the video on Facebook and after it was shared thousands of times, the municipality and mayor’s office issued public apologies for their “severe mistake and…incompetence."

Last year, a street crew in Pennsylvania committed a similar mistake when they painted yellow roadway lines right over a dead raccoon.

According to reports, workers saw the road kill and attempted to stop the paint gun, but it was too late. A Pennsylvania Department of Transportation spokesperson states, "A mistake was made and it's getting quite a bit of attention and not in the right light".