SG1 had met a benefactor alien people, the Aschen, who shared their technologies with humans.
Actually, ten years later, the Aschen's true motive is discovered by Carter and the ancient members of SG-1 have to succeed in sending a message in the past to prevent the human race's annihilation by sterilization, keeping SG-1 from going to the Aschen planet in order to make impossible the meeting with these 2 peoples, because in the present, it is already too late ...
My first movie music video is dedicated to the episode of Stargate SG-1 I love the most... I had this project in head for a long time and yet, in doing this, I noticed this is a long song and that there is very little action in this episode (actually just in the end)... But it's done... With Windows Movie Maker so I had to give up some details I wanted to include... Anyway, I like purified style MMV so it seems finally fair to me... :)
DISCLAIMER : I own nothing.