
Web Designer Tutorials for Xara Web Designer 7 Lesson 09: Straight Line Tool

2013-01-26 767 Dailymotion

Web Design Tutorials for Xara Web Designer. Learn how to use the straight line tool. Subscribe and stay updated on new Website Design Tutorials. If you need help with specific area of Web Design be sure to send us a message and we will do our best to make a web design tutorial to help you in area you are having trouble with web design.

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Artist of the track: Techsmith
Name of track: Amity
Direct URL of the Track: http://assets.techsmith.com/Downloads/accessories/Amity.libzip
Page track is displayed on: http://www.techsmith.com/camtasia-library-media-music-tracks.html
License Agreement: http://assets.techsmith.com/docs/pdf-camtasiaStudio/CamtasiaLicenseAgreement.pdf