
Gangstalking, Organized Harassment, Blocking of Internet access.....

2013-01-27 20 Dailymotion

Please Help. I can not get any videos online. If this gets though PLEASE MIRROR it! and Please PRAY!!!

Gangstalking is a term used on the internet to describe Organized Harassment / Organized Stalking, or Community Based Harassment. This is a serious crime committed against a single individual by multiple Harassers. This video is my account of being a victim of this horrible crime.

What is gang stalking?

Gang stalking is a form of community mobbing and organized stalking combined. Just like you have workplace mobbing, and online mobbing, which are both fully recognized as legitimate, this is the community form.

Gang stalking is organized harassment at its best. It is the targeting of an individual for revenge, jealousy, sport, or to keep them quiet, etc.

It's a psychological attack that can completely destroy a person’s life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators."

Primary targets are woman, minorities, dissidents, whistle blowers, etc.

Another definition:

Whereas ordinary bullying is usually one on one, and workplace mobbing is where multiple people in one workplace attack one (or a few) person(s), Gang Stalking involves multiple people attacking one person in any situation.

Groups of people, or loosely organized people, pick a target, and attempt to destroy the victim’s life in any way that they can.

They attempt to scare and terrorize their target, causing anxiety and other problems.

They will do whatever they can to get the target fired from their job.

People become a victim when they have attacked a member of a group (i.e. gang) as part of revenge, or, in the case of political groups, attack their political opponents such as authors, etc.

All of this is done secretly, and is usually known only to the attackers, and the victims. Other people around the victim will be oblivious as to what is going on.

IN MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, my Mom seems angry, and says that she thinks that I am "delusional", even though I have worked as a flight instructor for over two years, after graduating from college, and have logged over 1,600 flight hours -

She seems really upset, so upset that tonight she got confused and accused me of not having graduated from college. This is really upsetting her, and the rest of my family.