
Life After Losing Pounds-No Hard Exercises

2013-01-23 29 Dailymotion

Life After Losing Pounds-No Hard Exercises
only four calories. Dropping your calories too low will drastically slow down your metabolism, and your body will start to feed off of muscle tissue. Unless you're stranded on an island, cannibalizing yourself is not good!. Additionally, we all know how bad it feels when we don't eat enough; it becomes difficult to concentrate on a simple conversation, much less to hit it hard in a workout. What's your take on the low-carb approach, bruvva?. Glucose is the most-common and easily-converted source of energy in the human body. Carbohydrates are more easily converted into glucose than protein or fat, and are considered to be the body's preferred source of energy and the brain's essential source of energy. That's because they lost mostly water weight, since glycogen holds more than double its weight in water. This is why just using a scale to gauge your progress is a bad idea. Glycogen is burned throughout the day, and eating carbs refuels your tank. If you suddenly stop refilling the tank, your body still needs a source of fuel for the brain. In this case, your body will make its own glycogen by breaking down muscle tissue. Again, not good! Cutting carbs too drastically will send you into a state of Ketosis, which is when you have an abnormal amount of ketone bodies in the blood. Ketone bodies are produced when carbs are scarce and energy must be obtained by breaking down fatty-acids Ketone bodies are created to help feed the brain, being that most long-chain fatty acids cannot pass the blood brain barrier. One of the byproducts of ketone bodies breaking down fatty-acids is acetone, yep, paint remover. The longer you go without glucose, the more ketone bodies have to be produced by the liver, and the more acetone develops in the system. If ketosis makes me lean, should that be my goal?. Most medical resources regard ketosis as a physiological state associated with chronic starvation. Ketosis would thus be a dangerous potentially life-threatening state, which unnecessarily stresses the liver and causes destruction of muscle tissues. Finally, after maintaining a low-carb diet , when you do decide eat carbs, your body has no idea how to process them and will immediately turn them into triglycerides, which is a fatty acid. Put simply, your body forgets how to use carbs and will immediately store them as