
Bible Prophecy in the News - Signs of the End of the Age and Apocalypse

2013-01-19 1,245 Dailymotion

Survive the Coming Food Crisis.
Will You and Your family be Ready?

There are Clouds on the Horizon... I have heard it said,"It is better to be Ready too Early than it is to be one Day too Late". Some have said that watching the news is like watching Bible prophecy unfold. What does the Bible have to say about the end of the world? Is This the end of this age or the beginning of another? What is meant by the "beginning of sorrows"? Do we have a hand in how it all plays out? How can we be ready? One thing is clear. Something is happening. It's already begun and we've all got ringside seats!


Now before you think this is all nonsense and doesn't mean anything. Think about this. Every major religion, minor religions you've never heard of, non-religious spiritualists, and even some atheists and agnostics agree that we are in a time of change, of decision, if you will. Something will happen. Will you be ready? There are millions of people around the world sensing this big event is coming. But What will happen?


It was predicted by many ancient civilizations such as the Maya, Scientist, Religious Leaders, NASA and other Governments around the world that the times we live in will be very significant for you and all of Humanity.

Getting good solid information is very important...

If you think this is just a bunch of hype then that's perfectly fine. But it might be better to educate yourself about this and find out the real meaning of the times we live in before you rule this out as conspiracy theory or a made up date for the entertainment industry... Want the truth? Check out...


The world around you is in turmoil right now. People are starving, the economy is slowly declining, there are threats of war, new diseases and the weather has been more intense than it has been in many years. Solar activity is on the increase, Floods, Earthquakes
and Volcanoes. These are perilous times.

Be in the know about the times we live in and prepare yourself for every possible situation that could occur. If nothing happens, Great! But it very well could and this is your warning to prepare?

Now I'm not saying this date is all doom and gloom. It may be the end of an age but it can also be the beginning for you. There is light at the end of the tunnel that doesn't necessarily end in a catastrophe. But it's up to you to become a part of that story line. Its up to you to be ready.
