
سورة الكهف- القارىء محمد أيوبSurah Al-Kahf-mohamed ayoub

2013-01-16 34 Dailymotion

سورة الكهف- القارىء محمد أيوبSurah Al-Kahf-mohamed ayoub
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Praise be to Allah Who hath revealed the Scripture unto His slave, and hath not placed therein any crookedness, (1) (But hath made it) straight, to give warning of stern punishment from Him, and to bring unto the believers who do good works the news that theirs will be a fair reward, (2) Wherein they will abide for ever; (3) And to warn those who say: Allah hath chosen a son, (4) (A thing) whereof they have no knowledge, nor (had) their fathers, Dreadful is the word that cometh out of their mouths. They speak naught but a lie. (5) Yet it may be, if they believe not in this statement, that thou (Muhammad) wilt torment thy soul with grief over their footsteps. (6) Lo! We have placed all that is in the earth as an ornament thereof that We may try them: which of them is best in conduct. (7) And lo! We shall make all that is therein a barren mound. (8) Or deemest thou that the People of the Cave and the Inscription are a wonder among Our portents? (9) When the young men fled for refuge to the Cave and said: Our Lord! Give us mercy from Thy presence, and shape for us right conduct in our plight. (10) Then We sealed up their hearing in the Cave for a number of years. (11) And afterward We raised them up that We might know which of the two parties would best calculate the time that they had tarried. (12) We narrate unto thee their story with truth. Lo! they were young men who believed in their Lord, and We increased them in guidance. (13) And We made firm their hearts when they stood forth and said: Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth. We cry unto no god beside Him, for then should we utter an enormity. (14) These, our people, have chosen (other) gods beside Him though they bring no clear warrant (vouchsafed) to them. And who doth greater wrong than he who inventeth a lie concerning Allah? (15) And when ye withdraw from them and that which they worship except Allah, then seek refuge in the Cave; your Lord will spread for you of His mercy and will prepare for you a pillow in your plight. (16) And thou mightest have seen the sun when it rose move away from their cave to the right, and when it set go past them on the left, and they were in the cleft thereof. That was (one) of the portents of Allah. He whom Allah guideth, he indeed is led aright, and he whom He sendeth astray, for him thou wilt not find a guiding friend. (17)