
Sajdah to Tahir ul Qadri! Astaghfirullahil Azeem

2013-01-13 8,578 Dailymotion

This video clip is posted to expose this media hungry Mullah to the world that he is a fraud and using the mask of Islam to get into the power. Clip from public media and no one owns the copy right.

This video show that Tahir ul Qadri is a deviant person who has perverted the ahadeeths to suit his deviant thoughts.

To make matters worse he has invited MQM, a terrorist organisation to join his long march. The supreme court of Pakistan has proved that and MQM has accepted that Ajmal Pahari who is a known terrorist trained by Indian intellegence is their party worker. for details click at the links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h03Z1BX0-M