Patrick: I want to get into who you serve. It's somebody that has a vision, has a message, has something to say, and wants to create a legacy. But there's more to the book publishing in there than just get it written and get some publisher to buy it.
Bob: There's a lot more. To me, the power of becoming an author and the power of writing a book is in expressing your expertise, expressing your authority, expressing that you have a message. Just the fact that you've put your story together in a coherent package and you've gone through the difficult steps, oftentimes the learning curve of how to start with an idea in your mind and put it together in book form and then get it actually published -- that's a big accomplishment.
People respect that accomplishment. The fact of having authored a book is a statement. It says that you are a person of substance, that you have determination, that you have the willingness to put this message out there. And even when people don't read your book, just the fact that you have a book or just the fact that you can give someone a book carries a powerful message and it gives so much credibility.
There are a lot of fields and a lot of people who talk about the expert industry and the expert field. That's important, but I like the word "authority." I feel like experts are people who have enough knowledge that they help educate other people in that field. Experts educate. What better way to educate than writing a book about it, especially a book where you've completed the whole book?
I know there are opportunities to get a chapter in a book and I'm in a couple of those, too, and that's okay. But it really is powerful to have your own book with your own message. Once you have that book, that's just the gate that opens all kinds of opportunities. Then you can go from there and use your book as an introduction to the marketplace.
Typically people who become an author have a book published, if they want to and if they have someone strategize with them, they can then use that book to open up the door to a speaking career if that's what they want, open up a door to coaching or counseling if that's what they want. Or maybe they have a brick and mortar business and they want more people to come to it.
Imagine someone in the medical profession, for example someone who does hormone replacement therapy. If they write a book specific about their field and s