
London Zoo Animals Get Christmas Treats Early

2012-12-13 2,443 Dailymotion

London zoo's animals have been extra good this year, so Santa treated them to early Christmas presents on Wednesday (December 12).

Lion cubs Heidi and Indi got their paws on parcels of meat hidden inside Christmas boxes, while the penguins were treated to festive treats of the fishy variety.

Keeper Paul Kybett said it adds a special something to meal times.

"It's part of their diet, but nice when it's all wrapped up and gives them something to play with and rip open," he said.

The zoo's western lowland gorillas dug into their Christmas stockings to find their favorite snacks.

Keepers said all the animals deserved these special treats.

Giving the festive treats wrapped in presents and stockings, helps encourage the animals' curious side and keeps them stimulated.