
'How to Be Happy Now, the embarrassing truth. Find freedom and fun by dumping bad habits. And meet Dr Hew Len from Zero Limits.

2012-12-14 89 Dailymotion

How to Be Happy Now, the embarrassing truth. Freedom and fun by dumping bad habits.

Grab your free report 'Be Happy Now' http://www.grangetsgoing.com/be-happy-now
Meet Dr Hew Len from Zero Limits http://www.grangetsgoing.com/zero

How to Be happy now and here's the Embarrassing Truth!
Hi there Grans. Today I'm coming clean. I have to get this off my chest.

Okay here goes - embarrassing...

1. Believing my view was the only right one.
2. Being bossy - surprisingly good husband spotted that one!
3. Imposing my views on others - now I offer them to you for your consideration, progress!
4. Judging others from up close and worse still, afar.
5. Beating myself up. (loser...) (fat loser...) (old loser...) (lazy cow...) (wrinkly, lazy, fat old loser). I've got a million of 'em, I'm guessing you might too!
6. Gossiping, I think it could sometimes be called 'back-stabbing' actually...
7. Being plain old mean and uncharitable to others.
8. Making humorous jokes at the expense of other people, and myself.
9. Blaming others or anything else I could think of when my great ideas actually sucked.
10. Talking louder than other people in order to - #3.
11 ...that's enough, I can't take any more, phew! I still slip up, from time to time, who's perfect? Obviously I too am a work in progress, so let's progress on together.

So darned destructive, time wasting, toxic and just plain nasty.

Grab your free report 'Be Happy Now' http://www.grangetsgoing.com/be-happy-now
Meet Dr Hew Len from Zero Limits http://www.grangetsgoing.com/zero
For full article visit http://www.grangetsgoing.com/heres-the-embarrassing-truth/

Be Happy!
Peace and love to you