In celebration of 2012’s closing, I will be counting down my personal top ten games of 2012 beginning with spots 10 through 6, so stay tuned for which games made the cut and tune in tomorrow for my top five of this incredible year for gaming, THIS IS NICK’S GAMING VIEW!
Hello everyone and welcome to Nick’s Gaming View, you are here with your host, Nick McCandless. Starting with #10, Electronic Art’s rebirth of SSX rose my eyebrows upon the announcement as the franchise was among a steep downslope, but thankfully the team over at EA Canada was able to pull off a 180 to bring the franchise back on its feet and deliver an incredible snowboarding game that was longed for, at least from my end.
Rounding out at #9, while the PlayStation Vita has off to a rough start causing concern for developers behind the device, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, while not on the level of the console counterparts, certainly proved the potential of the Vita platform. Despite the lack of online multiplayer, the visuals, gameplay, and execution of story were all solid earning a position on my top ten games of 2012.
With Rockstar Games deep within the development of Grand Theft Auto V, you would think receiving a stellar experience within a year of the release would be insane, but they successfully pulled it off with the release of Max Payne 3. Delivering an engaging story with somewhat decent multiplayer, Max Payne 3 was a surprise hit and the fact that it released during a slump, successfully allowed the game to receive the attention it deserves earning my #8.
When a game is able to invade the realm of video game press for months after its release, you know the game has done something right. Mass Effect 3 coming in at #7 provided an action-packed adventure filled with entertainment that even someone as myself who was never a fan of the franchise appreciated. While the ending received an overabundance of backlash, I feel as if it was bit overdramatic and even outside of that, the campaign was nothing short of amazing.
Finishing off today’s episode of Nick’s Gaming View, Call of Duty: Black Ops II surprisingly finagles itself within the exquisite class of games for 2012 despite the repetitiveness of the franchise. Offering the most unique gameplay experience for the franchise since Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Black Ops II certainly does not redefine the franchise, but as a fan of the first-person shooting genre, it’s nice to see the most successful franchise this console generation develop a new taste.
Well that concludes today’s episode of Nick’s Gaming View but be sure to follow me on Twitter @NickMcCandless and check back tomorrow for my top five games of 2012.
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