
Past Life Regression with Patricia Walsh

2012-12-02 1 Dailymotion

About Patricia Walsh:
My spiritual journey has been lifelong. I started my personal work with my 'inner teachers' in my late teens. I received much teaching on the nature of 'reality', healing methods and techniques, working with earthbound spirits, the energy behind the physical world and how to listen and respond to the inner voice. Through most of my 20's and 30's, I passionatly studied the works of Alice Bailey and different forms of Transpersonal Psychology. I believe the highest path of spirituality is the path of service (first to ones own soul then to others).

All forms of spirtuality are sacred to me although the esoteric traditions and earth centered ways are closest to my heart. I have travelled India and most of Europe and am just as happy exploring and sharing spirtuality in an Ashram or a Coven.

I have studied the unique paradigm of Evolutionary Astrology with Jeffrey Wolf Green and have been writing and lecturing on this, combined with Past Life work and research I have undertaken for the past eight years.
Besides my 'inner studies' I have apprenticed with a Shamanic healer for the past 10 years in a unique one on one teaching that is still ongoing. I also completed a two year training and further two year apprenticeship in Deep Memory Process with Roger Woolger PhD.