
Tamil typing keyboard software

2012-11-20 1 Dailymotion

Typing in Tamil/Tamizh on phone never been easier. There are so many ways to type like fixed keypad, pressing keyks many no. of times. its quite time taking and painful or type in Tamil through transliterated way like type in English converted in Tamil. just say good bye to this !

Now there is a multilingual technology Panini Keypad that allows users to type directly in Tamil on phone in far more easier way. Panini Keypad allows single keypress typing means you will get your character right under your thumb. There is no need of Tamil printed characters on mobile keypad.

Panini Keypad for android is an IME (input method editor).Not an app or software. Its intallation & launch process is little different from an App. After download to your android phone it doesn't create any icon on phone screen.

Follow the procedure to install & launch Panini Keypad IME:

1. Download and install Panini Keypad on phone.(if install automatically follow step-2 directly).
2. Go to "Setting"->"Locale & text" and tick in check box on Panini Keypad Tamil.
3. Go to any text filed in which you want to type.
4. Long press on text field and choose "Input Method".
5. Select this IME (Panini Keypad Tamil)

Panini keyboard supports all uyir mei characters in Tamil language. This technology based on rules of linguistics.

Tamil Panini keyboard developed for java, symbian,android, iphone, tablet, ipad and PC.

There are two simple rules of typing.
1. Look for your character on screen and press the indicated character.
2. Press Next button for more characters or unable to find characters on one screen.

விஷ்ணு =வ + ி + ஷ + ் + ண + ு
லக்ஷ்மி =ல + க + ் + ஷ + ் + ம + ி
சிருஷ்டி =ச + ி + ர + ு + ஷ + ் + ட + ி
ஸ்ரீலங்கா =ஸ + ் + ர + ீ + ல + ங + ் + க + ா
திருவள்ளூர் = த + ி + ர + ு + வ + ள + ் + ள + ூ + ர + ்
மாமல்லபுரம் = ம + ா + ம + ல + ் + ல + ப + ு + ர + ம + ்

try these above examples, after that you will find that Tamil typing is so fast & easy on mobile phones. For more help you can visit support or FAQ page of Panini Keypad website.


For java/symbian phones:

also download from Nokia ovi, mobile9, Getjar, mobango etc.

For Android phones/Tablets:

Google Play:

Also available on Samsung Apps etc.

iTunes for iphone users:

Note: Tamil font must present in phone, otherwise shows SQUARE/BLANK boxes.

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Try to send sms, messages, jokes, shayari, lyrics, chat, update status, post on wall, twitter, save contacts, search in Tamil, blog, email, forum post comments etc. Explore many other possibilies !