
The Question That Increases Sales Process Effectiveness - Ch. 26, Power Questions

2012-10-22 32 Dailymotion

Chapter 26 of Power Questions explores using a single question, “Why?”, to get at the heart of a client’s real problem. Clients often present a symptom, and ask for a specific proposed solution. But asking this power question—several times— will usually lead to understanding the higher-level need or goal that the solution is supposed to fix. The “Why?” allows you to diagnose the total problem with a sufficiently broad intervention.

Andrew Sobel, the world's leading authority on client loyalty, has written the best-selling book, “Power Questions: Build Relationships, Win New Business, and Influence Others.” This book will help you strengthen the relationships with the key people in your life. The author’s website http://www.andrewsobel.com offers free downloadable Power Tools.