
Earning Empower Network vs Network Marketing VT

2012-10-08 22 Dailymotion

http://DreamBig.EmpoweredZoomer.com - I am really trying to figure out why there is such a buzz going on over this Empower Network vs Network Marketing VT thing that is all over the internet.

What is this versus part about? Are they saying that one of them is really better than the other?

I guess it depends on who you are talking to, because of course if you are in the Empower Network vs Network Marketing VT you are going to say the one you are in is the best.

That doesn't really help you figure out which one may be right for you ... So what if you could ask someone that is in both, what type of answer would you get?

Is that even possible?

Are there some top earning Empower Network leaders quietly joining Network Marketing VT?

Watch this video to see if they were in both, why they are not taking sides as to which one is the better business to be involved in and the reason why they will be promoting both of them.

To check out Network Marketing VT 14-Day FREE Trial is all about go to =>