
3D Box Shot Pro: eCover Creator DVD Cases, Software Boxes, eBooks, Cans, iPhone 5

2012-10-04 4 Dailymotion

http://www.3d-box-shot.com: Example of the Depth and Environment mapping effects in 3D Box Shot Pro. 3D Box Shot Pro is the ultimate cover design software. With no Photoshop required, 3D Box Shot Pro is a stand alone application that uses hardware accelerated OpenGL pixel shader effects in a powerful real time rendering engine.

There isn't a graphic design department at a major publishing house that can’t benefit from using 3D Box Shot Pro. I’m frequently underwhelmed by the shoddy quality 3D covers for major titles that appear in the press in the UK. These either use Photoshop action scripts that create the same angle and perspective every time, or the designers just skew images in Photoshop into something that vaguely looks like a book. Sometimes they even get the perspective nearly correct..

3D Box Shot Pro offers a variety of book models perfect for promoting eBooks or physical books either on the web, in print or for use on billboard poster designs and POS material.

The environment and depth mapping effects make it possible to create stunning promotional images really quickly and simply.

You can download a free demo version of 3D Box Shot Pro from http://www.3d-box-shot.com. We recommend that you do this before you purchase the full version for a couple of reasons. Firstly, 3D Box Shot Pro only runs on Windows PC's. If you try to run it on an Mac or and iPad, or on an Android Phone or Tablet then it simply won't work. It's not that we have anything against any of these devices. We only develop Windows programs. Secondly, 3D Box Shot Pro uses advanced OpenGL hardware accelerated real time rendering. We employ sophisticated custom pixel shader effects to create stunning results within the program. Not all PC's have powerful enough graphics cards to handle everything that 3D Box Shot Pro needs to do. While you don't need a state of the art graphics card to use the program, you do need a PC with a graphics card that supports OpenGL 3.0.

3D Box Shot Pro does not tend to work well with PC's that have low spec Intel Graphics chips (these are highly prevalent in cheaper laptops) and can have issues with PC's with older ATI graphics cards. In some cases you may need to install the latest graphics driver for your graphic chip in order to make 3D Box Shot Pro work on your PC. Current versions of Windows all use graphics hardware acceleration to display the Windows interface. Installing the latest driver makes Windows run better, faster and more smoothly.

However, in the vast majority of cases, 3D Box Shot Pro will run like a dream on most PC's purchased within the last three years. Please give the demo a try! The demo is fully featured and is identical to the full version of the program in every respect. The only limitation is that output from the demo is watermarked with "salt and pepper" spots and some rather ugly text that states it was exported from the demo.