
Lenses for BioKinesis by Berk Eratay and Inner Mind Productions - Magic Trick

2012-10-03 34 Dailymotion

Available from http://www.world-of-magic.co.uk
NOTE This item is for the Eye Gimmicks/Lenses ONLY Instructional DVD sold separately.
During my Turkish The New Uri Geller TV series I was most impressed by Berk Eratay a young performer who stunned us all by being able to change the color of his eyes his performance was mesmerizing
- Uri Geller - www.urigeller.com
Inner Mind Productions Are Proud To Present Berk Eratays Biokinesis
Its time of open your mind to the power of Biokinesis...
What is Biokinesis
Biokinesis is the ability to use kinetic energy to rearrange or control the genes in your own body. So if you mastered Biokinesis would it be possible to genetically reprogram yourself The answer in theory is yes
This is one of the most astonishing things you will ever see Imagine that you are performing your favorite effect and at the key moment you ask your spectator to stare into your eyes. Your eyes close as if you are falling in to a trance and when you open them again they have turned completely white Thats right - your eyes have totally changed color
Believe me this will freak out even the most cynical of spectators. And then whenever you choose you can close your eyes come out of the trance and your eyes are totally back to normal You really have to see this in action to understand how amazing this actually looks. Its like a special effect done live And unbelievably it can be instantly repeated.
Berk Eratays original version of Biokinesis helped him win the title of Uri Gellers Phenomenon in the Turkish version of the TV show. He spent over 8 years developing and refining this incredible effect and with the help of a top eye surgeon Berk has created the perfect custom made gimmicks to apparently achieve the impossible.
In developing his effect Berk tested well over 200 prototypes until he was 100 satisfied that the gimmicks were perfect in every way. The gimmicks you will receive are the very same design that won Berk title of The Pheno