
Modern Mentalism Vol. 1 by Matthew Mello and Paper Crane Magic (DVD) - Magic Trick

2012-10-03 1 Dailymotion

Available from http://www.world-of-magic.co.uk
Modern Mentalism is a collection of 14 effects from the mind of Matt Mello spanning 2 volumes. It is one of the few DVDs on the market that appeals specifically to the entertainer that performs mentalism close up. Another unique feature of Modern Mentalism is the absence of sleight-of-hand methods and awkward props. Instead Modern Mentalism uses clever principles interesting plots and extremely simple methods to create a collection of close up mentalism worthy of both casual and professional performers.
Volume 1
Serial An on-the-spot serial number reading requiring nothing more than a borrowed dollar from your spectator.
Coffee Melt Imagine if you could touch a straw and make it melt and bend at your command being able to control everything from speed to how far it will continue to bend. Well with Coffee Melt youll be able to do just that and youll be able to do it seconds after learning it
Photographic If you could really memorize a long string of code in seconds it would probably look something like this.
Lottery This is Matts version of the add-a-number routine using the lottery as its theme. It uses no switch pads or gimmicks and as a bonus Matt also teaches a way to do this effect with absolutely nothing on you but a pen and paper.
Stop A demonstration of suggestion and influence during a simple game with cards.
Handy Prediction A spectator is asked to hold their hand up and then drop any amount of fingers. A card the performer is holding predicts the spectators actions.
Any Card at Any Number Forget about complicated math and card counting and all of that and get ready for one of the simplest solutions to the Card At Any Number Plot. With only a deck of cards and a prediction youll be able to perform one of the easiest most baffling effects imaginable on your spectators.
Running Time Approximately 60min