Sampler's morphing filter is unique amongst Live's instrument collection so it makes sense to use it. Here Danny shows you how to add a special twist to a dubstep style mid bass layer instrument.
In this part Danny takes a look inside the rack to show you the settings used on the morphing filter and the modulation applied. LFOs 2 and 3 are the most flexible and LFO2 is used to move the morphing filter, creating a unique timbral change that could not be achieved using the Operator that created the sound. You'll see how the source sample was created with 4 oscillators in the vertical FM algorithm.
Watch the part 1 for a tour of the instrument macros and to hear it in action.
This is a sample tutorial taken from our Ableton Live Sound Design course. To find out more please visit get in touch with our course advisors at [email protected] or +44(0) 20 7729 4884 if you want to find out more.
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