
Electromagnetic Radiation Dangers (Radiation Meters) Electromagnetic Radiation Dangers

2012-08-31 43 Dailymotion


Do you ever wonder about the effect of radiation from mobile phones on complex biological structures like your inner ear and even your eyes?

Imagine all of those delicate complex parts of your mind being bombarded with waves of electromagnetic impulses...

Approximately 70,000+ cell phones are sold each day in the United States (even during this recession). Over 120 million Americans use cell phones. And worldwide, it is estimated that approximately 1.1 billion+ people use cell phones. As the number of cell phones, cell phone towers, and other wireless antennas increase rapidly in industrialized nations, should you be concerned about the effects that regular exposure to radio frequency radiation can have on your health?

From the early 1950's to the mid 1970's, the U.S. embassy in Moscow was purposefully bombarded by radio frequency radiation 24 hours a day. The U.S. embassy workers experienced what the perpetrators identified as "Radio Frequency Sickness Syndrome."

After some time of concentrated radio frequency radiation exposure, the American ambassador developed leukemia. The next American ambassador also developed leukemia. Blood tests performed on embassy staff members showed irreversible DNA damage.
