
Let's Play Armis ... Intro To Set-up Rules ...

2012-08-18 2 Dailymotion

The complete rules (Player's Handbook) are located at: www.ArmisGame.com

Here are the set-up rules:

1) Align game board 'diamondly'
2) Select a Set-up Player, Use Set-up Zone
3) Place Flag in corner space directly in front of player
4) Place Reserve adjacent to, or in front of, Flag
5) Place Mover 1 or 2 spaces away from coastal waters
6) Freely arrange remaining pieces contiguously without holes.
7) Opponent's set-up must be identical to first set-up
Opponent may move first or choose to switch board
positions, if opponent chooses to switch board positions
then the Set-up Player will move first.

Armis is a high strategy board game designed to challenge competitive people who like brain-games.

Armis has 100 land, air, and/or sea spaces, 17 unique pieces, and a comprehensive guide that details all of the rules.

From the very beginning of the game, with over a million ways to set-up, varying spaces, pieces with conditional or unconditional powers, and pieces that can fly over, dive under, zig-zag between, climb, or move other pieces,

players are constantly forced to create, execute, and analyse strategies and tactics as they manage resources and weigh opportunities in light of every changing situations.

Although the computer is playing at Intermediate level. the game is rated at Beginner, due to onscreen set-up assistance and piece movement option indicators.

Armis has an average set-up time is 5 mins, an average playing time of 30 mins, and a steep learning curve of 150mins (5 game plays).