
Naruto Chapter 570 Fan Animation: Bijuu Mode Unleashed(Spoilers ahead)

2012-08-17 4 Dailymotion

Spoilers Ahead! Please don't view if you haven't read the latest manga chapters.

My first uploaded video on Daily Motion & it is mmy fourth Naruto Fan Animation video so far. 18 days of constant effort but I wanted to see if I could single handedly complete a 7 page scenerio from Chapters 570 & 571 of the ongoing Naruto manga.

I can say that this is easily my best, if not one of, fan animations till date. If it is well received here on Daily Motion rest assured I will post the other three up here as well. The scene follows Naruto, Kakashi, Guy & Killer Bee Facing off against the Jinchurikis under Tobi's control & Naruto finally joins with Kurama & transforms intro Bijuu mode for the first time. I sincerely hope you enjoy it, & appologies in advance if you don't.

Soundtrack is taken from one of the Naruto OSTs.

The Amimation is completely digital & Softwares I've used to create this are Pshop Cs3 & After Effects Cs 3, compiled in Adobe Premiere.