Double Shower - The Edgewood Plantation Bed and Breakfast has a double shower. Vacation.
The Edgewood Plantation Bed and Breakfast has a double shower. Vacation.
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A Romantic Getaway - The Edgewood Plantation Bed and Breakfast is a great place for couples. Vacation.
Summer Kitchen -The Edgewood Plantation Bed and Breakfast has another dining area in the basement. Virginia.
Nice Porch At This Virginia Bed and Breakfast - This bed and breakfast is located in Charles City, Virginia. The Edgewood Plantation.
A Nice Bed and Breakfast - The Edgewood Bed and Breakfast is a place we would recommend. Vacation. Charles City, VA.
Nice Yard At This Bed and Breakfast - The Edgewood Bed and Breakfast has a lovely yard with fresh country air. Charles City, Virginia.
Another Nice Room At The Edgewood Plantation - This bed and breakfast is well decorated. Charles City,VA.
One Room At A Time - Bed and Breakfast Owner talks about fixing up one room at a time. Edgewood Plantation. Virginia.
Gazeebo - This bed and breakfast is a nice place for weddings. The Edgewood Plantation. Virginia.
Tea Room Events - At the Edgewood Plantation Bed and Breakfast. Charles City, VA.
Virginia Tea Room - The Edgewood Plantation Bed and Breakfast. Charles City, Virginia.