
DIY How to Make a High Powered Burning Blue Violet Laser Pointer

2012-08-05 2 Dailymotion

Check out how to make an easier burning laser:

The video shows you how to build a high powered burning violet laser (reason why it says Blue/Violet in title is because half the things you point the violet laser at fluoresce and cause the dot to turn blue)

For written tutorial go here: http://adf.ly/2124994/bluevioletlaserpointer

Parts List:
PHR-803T sled-

101mA Driver- Driver in video is no longer sold, so here is a very similar driver. Choose "preset current" and type 110mA in the box. There is no need for the glass lens. link:

Aixiz Module-


Helpful Notes:
For extra output, cut out the plastic on the back of the lens

This set up should yield you just under 100mW of 405nm (violet) light, easily enough to burn.

DO NOT "test" the laser diode by hooking it up to a 9v battery, if you do you will break your laser

NEVER EVER point this laser in yours or somebody else's eyes, the wavelength of this light is more energetic then most visible light so a hit in the eye will damage your eyesight! Also do not stare at the dot from up close with out proper protection, if you stare at the dot too much when burning things your eyesight could get damaged. Buy laser goggles!