
CGRundertow RAY'S SNES/N64 GAME CASES Video Game Accessory Review

2012-07-30 5 Dailymotion

Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow video game accessory review of Ray's converted 8-trak case into a SNES/N64 carrying case. As Ray grew up and became more and more addicted to video games, he of course needed to buy more of them to satiate his hunger for 8, 16, and then 64 bit graphics. This left less money for things like accessories to store his games because most of them only held eight or ten at a time and took up too much space to be really worthwhile. One day though, his step-dad was cleaning out the basement and came across an old 8-trak cassette case holder. With curiosity, he approached the leather case with red felt insides and quickly realized that the spaces inside were perfect for holding many of his SNES games that were just lying around. This video game accessory review features commentary from CGR Undertow reviewer Ray.