
CGRundertow DEAD RISING 2: CASE WEST review for Xbox 360 Video Game Review

2012-07-24 116 Dailymotion

Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow video game review of Dead Rising 2: Case West from Capcom for the Xbox Live Arcade from December 2010. Taking place immediately after the events of Dead Rising 2, Case West opens up with Chuck Greene fighting off a now zombified TK and just when it looks like Chuck is about to succumb, a tall baseball bat wielding gentleman steps in and sends TK flying. As Chuck gets his bearings, we see that it is the hero of Dead Rising 1, Frank West, that has saved Chuck. A bit more grizzled after his experiences of the past five years and countless zombrex injections to stave off his own zombie infection, Frank is a welcome sight for Chuck who was going to be a goner had he not intervened. It is then the two team-up to take on the zombies in this epilogue to Dead Rising 2. This video game review features Dead Rising 2: Case West gameplay footage and commentary from CGR Undertow reviewer Ray.