
APIC 2012 Best Hand Hygiene Practices - A faucet helps ...

2012-07-13 162 Dailymotion

Handwashingforlife Healthcare is a global organization committed to infection control training for professionals in the healthcare sector. They're involved in researching and implementing best hygiene practices in both the public and private sector. With headquarters in the United States Handwashingforlife also has offices in Canada, UK and South Africa. Providing unbiased reports and analysis, the company addresses the growing problem of nosocomial infection (hospital acquired infection). By using training programs and educational courses, Handwashingforlife aims to educate and train professionals in clinics, hospitals and healthcare facilities. Handwashingforlife works closely with government organizations, industry associations and corporates to inform and instil proper hygiene practices. They provide a complete hygiene education and implementation solution.