
Historic Landmarks in Timbuktu Being Destroyed

2012-07-04 404 Dailymotion

Historic Landmarks in Timbuktu Being Destroyed - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Centuries old landmarks in Timbuktu are being destroyed by Islamic radicals.

Even though the United Nations has called for end to the destruction, an Islamic faction known as Ansar Dine has yet to cease. The holy tombs, which are recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, are part of this area’s culture and history. More than half of the mausoleums have been destroyed in three days.

It is a blatant act of malice.

Located in West Africa, Timbuktu in the country of Mali has history going back 2500 years. Early on, it benefitted from trade that included gold and salt. Inspite of the tough climate conditions, its inhabitants over the years created some of the world's most remarkable landmarks. The streets here are lined with sand and nearby you will see plenty of sand dunes.

In the recent past, Islamic radicals have continued to increase their influence in Timbuktu and rest of Mali.

The destruction of the historic monuments has devastated the citizens, as Timbuktu has always been a center of Islamic learning and history.