
METRO Last Light - "Making of Short-Film" (Deutsche Untertitel) | 2012 | HD

2012-06-21 2 Dailymotion

The short film "Escape into the Metro" was filmed in freezing weather with more than 150 participants in Kiev, Ukraine, the video mixed live action scenes with real game sequences and tells the emotional story of the nuclear apocalypse that for the atomically contaminated Moscow Metro. Last Light is responsible.
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The complete German subtitled making of the short film, the producers explain their vision of the trailer and reveal fascinating details of the shooting.

Der Kurzfilm „Flucht in die Metro" wurde bei Eiseskälte mit mehr als 150 Beteiligten in Kiew, Ukraine, gedreht. Das Video vermischt Realfilmszenen mit echten Spielsequenzen und erzählt die emotionale Geschichte der nuklearen Apokalypse, die für das atomar verseuchte Moskau in Metro: Last Light verantwortlich ist.

Im komplett deutsch untertitelten Making of zum Kurzfilm erklären die Produzenten ihre Vision des Trailers und verraten spannende Details zum Shooting.

Metro: Last Light, the sequel to Metro 2033 developed by 4A Games and scheduled to be available in Calendar 2013, for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. Metro: Last Light will immerse the player in the haunting, desolate ruins of post-apocalyptic Moscow, pitching the player into the midst of a desperate civil war for control over a doomsday device that threatens to destroy humanity forever. The epic single-player campaign and unique multiplayer experience will benefit from the lighting, physics and destruction made possible by Metro: Last Light's 4A Engine technology.

Metro: Last Light
GENRE: First-Person Shooter
+ US: Q1, 2013
+ EU: Q1, 2013
PLATFORM: Xbox 360
WEBSITE: http://www.MetroLastLight.com
AVAILABLE @ AMAZON: Coming soon.

ESRB: RP-M+ for Rating Pending, Targeting a Rating of Mature or Above

TAGS: "metro last light" "Making of short film" "Making of Kurzfilm" "metro last light short film" "Metro last light kurzfilm" "Deutsche Untertitel" deutsch german "Enter the Metro" "metro last light live-action" "metro last light film" "metro 2" "metro 2034" "metro last light gameplay" "metro 2 gameplay" "metro video game" Ukraine Moscow sequel "xbox 360" game trailer spiel 2012 xboxviewtv post-apocalyptic ruins action shooter "4a games" thq gaming official "video game" video ps3 "playstation 3"