
CGRundertow BURGER TIME for Arcade Video Game Review

2012-07-02 2 Dailymotion

Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of the arcade game BurgerTime from Data East. This review features footage of BurgerTime as it appears on the Data East Arcade Classics collection from Majesco for the Nintendo Wii. BurgerTime is a revered puzzle-platform game in which you play as a fat little chef named Peter Pepper. Pete is charged with making burgers while being chased by walking hot dogs. His only recourse is his pepper shaker. This gives him a brief window in which to escape and continue working his culinary magic. He has to walk across each layer of each hamburger on the screen to force it to fall down a level, walking across every layer to completely assemble the burgers and finish the stage. The problem is BurgerTime is impossible to play for any more than a few minutes thanks to some frustratingly poor controls and ridiculously ruthless difficulty. This video review features video gameplay footage of the arcade game BurgerTime and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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