
Samaras votes in Greek elections

2012-06-17 2 Dailymotion


Establishment heir and New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras cast his ballot in Greece Sunday where election results could upturn financial markets the world over.

A re-run of a May 6 vote that ended in stalemate, the election amounts to a referendum on the punishing terms set by international lenders as the price of saving Greece from

bankruptcy - withering tax hikes, job losses and pay cuts that have helped condemn Greeks to five years of record recession.

The election is too close to call and could push the debt-ridden country out of the European single currency, rocking the euro to its core and sowing turmoil in global financial markets.

On the right, Antonis Samaras who says rejection of the EU/IMF bailout would mean a return to the drachma and even greater economic calamity.

On the left, radical SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras who is threatening to tear up the terms of the 130 billion euro (163.75 billion U.S dollar) bailout.

Neither party is expected to win outright, triggering coalition negotiations with smaller parties.