(3BL Media) Anne Erhard, SVP, Cause Marketing and CSR of MSLGroup sat down for an interview at the 2012 Cause Marketing Forum Conference, which took place May 30th and 31st in Chicago, IL.
The annual Cause Marketing Forum is the must-attend conference of the year focusing solely on this increasingly important marketing approach and subset of corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts. Appropriate for both novice and seasoned cause marketers, the annual Cause Marketing Forum covers a wide range of topics featuring expert cause marketing speakers and discussion group leaders.
More than 500 attendees gained insight from marketing and corporate social responsibility professionals from Zynga, Procter & Gamble, Campbell’s Soup Company, Whirlpool, ANN Inc., Yum! Brands, The Coca-Cola Company, AOL/Huffington Post Media Group and other companies. Nonprofit speakers included representatives from U.S. Fund for UNICEF, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, KaBOOM!, ACCION, World Wildlife Fund, DoSom