Corporate tax doesn't have to be complex,expensive, and time-consuming.For too long, the large audit firms have entrenched themselves within companies by promoting the myth that corporate tax issues require long, complex discussion and endless deliberation of arcane points, hypothetical scenarios, and long-term ramifications. All this analysis requires the input of partners, directors, and other high-priced "experts" at the audit firm, often from far-off corners of the world. This culture of complexity ensures the audit firms reap large revenue streams from tax work, while keeping their clients imprisoned in a labyrinth of meetings, bureaucracy, more meetings, lengthy memos to read, meetings, cost, and more meetings!
VPTax Inc.
Corporate Headquarters
1014 Lincoln Avenue
San Jose, CA 95125
Phone: (408) 278-8370
Email: [email protected]
VPTax Inc.
4111 18th Street, Suite 4
San Francisco, CA 94114