Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow video game review of Super Sonic Racer from Team6 Studios and Zoo Games for the Nintendo Wii. Super Sonic Racer is the worst kind of Wii title. This game's as void of content as its tracks are void of stuff and its design's as void of ideas. It's a rip-off of rip-offs, a clone of a Mario Kart clone...hence the strange life forms with broken-down molecular structures. You can only clone things so many times before nature revolts. The courses at least have interesting themes, though. The usual suspects like water world are there, but there's also a garbage world, there's a nightmare world...I like the themes quite a bit. What I like less is the execution of those themes--the graphics are poor, and the music is repetitive. This CGRundertow video game review features video gameplay footage of Super Sonic Racer on the Nintendo Wii and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.