
Using Floppy Disks as Art Canvas

2012-05-23 138 Dailymotion

Using Floppy Disks as Art Canvas - as part of the series on arts by GeoBeats.

While we may stop using old technology products as a result of new innovations, an artist can still find a creative way to keep them relevant. Nick Gentry, is one such UK artist, who has created a myriad of visually striking paintings using floppy disks.

The paintings flip the existing notion of portraiture on its head. Traditionally, the face of the person is considered to be the 'subject' or true identity, and the canvas simply provides a platform on which to show this. Gentry’s portraits are effectively a reversal of of this idea. The patchwork of memories beneath becomes the identity and the painting is simply a way to give that mechanical subject a face.

People from all over the world contribute to this social art project by sending obsolete technology to the artist. By embedding the disks in artworks and sending something back in return the contributor, artist and viewer come closer together. Something in that process makes all of that personal data exhibit-able, but at the same time forever hidden.