
Turkish media group fined $2.5bn - 28 Sept 09

2012-05-14 8 Dailymotion

Turkey's ruling Justice and Development (AK) party, has come under fire after imposing a $2.5bn fine on the country's largest media group, Dogan Yayin, a conglomerate of newspapers and television stations.

The group's parent organisation, Dogan Holding, is owned in part by a Turkish businessman, Aydin Dogan, who has been an outspoken critic of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's prime minister.

Public opinion remains divided on whether it is an attempt to muzzle the press or a matter of punishing the group for alleged tax evasion - a penalty that could result in Dogan Yayin going out of business.

Al Jazeera's Anita McNaught reports.