Britain's Prince Harry is honored by the Atlantic Council in Washington D.C.
He's been given the organization's Distinguished Humanitarian Leadership award for his work on behalf of wounded military personnel.
The 27-year-old Prince appealed to the U.S. and U.K. not to forget the wounded veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan when the fighting was finally over.
"For these selfless people it's after the guns have fallen silent, the din of battle quieted, that the real fight begins, a fight that may last for the rest of their lives. We will all continue to support our armed forces in defense of freedom at home and abroad but sooner or later the coverage of them in the media will diminish or cease as coalition forces withdraw from Afghanistan. They will no longer be at the forefront of our minds."
Earlier the Prince met teams of British and U.S. veteran athletes at a reception at the British Ambassador's residence.
They've been taking part in the Warrior Games launched two years ago as an introduction to paralympic sports for wounded and sick service members and veterans.
Harry is a member of the British military and served briefly in Afghanistan.
Paul Chapman, Reuters